Monday, January 01, 2007

December 2006

Previous IssueDECEMBER 2006
Letter from the Editor
C.R. Veatch
Portland, OR

This month we spend our anniversary at the coast. I cram yet another indie band ever so gently in your ears. And it's Christmas or something.
Backwards Forewords
The foreword and index to all the chapters of my being.
Push Me, Pullman
Or how I learned to stop worrying and hopefully love the Northwest.
My Beards Blog
How Long? How fast? For how long?
Dusting Off An Old Hat
I started listening to this band this year and wanted to use them before they became too last year. They're a small band that recorded an awesome album in a friend's basement in Minnesota.
The Anniversary
A Pacific Northwest beach is certainly like no other. Particularly so in winter. Grey sand. Grey sky. Grey ocean. But it's nice just that it is the ocean. And our plywood shanty was close enough we could watch it from the futon couch. It even cleared up for a moment before raining. - view photos
Daytrippin' Pacific/Lincoln City
Besides the Pelican Brewery; which was good, some ghetto upscale dinery; which was "Eh.", and a pizzeria and conveniance store there's not too much to this trailor park community by the ocean called Pacific City. So we ventured to Lincoln City which come to find out is about 20 souvenir shops and a casino bigger. So we turned around and headed back for some wine and board games. - view photos
Furniture Sold Seperately
After six months of being moved in we finally got living room furniture. Well a couch and two chairs from Dania. Next month maybe we'll finally get a coffee table. - view photos
Lazy Wii Guy
Even with Zelda sitting on the shelf I find myself more often than not playing Wii Sports. Seeing this gave me something to aspire towards. - view video
Christmas Spirit

I remember being so anxious for Christmas. Lying in the floor going over and over the Sears and JC Penny’s Christmas catalogues. But Christmas now is getting up around ten and waiting for Amanda to get off work. I got the usual, clothes. I know, welcome to being a man. I appreciate it though. But for me it’s not so much about the clothes themselves but the act of shopping for them and eliminating any need for me to go. I can’t stand shopping for clothes. And I can shop for anything but clothes. There is just something about the whole process that makes me contemplate knocking over rack after rack in a desperate attempt to reach an exit.